Shape it up by Ally

Body/Face Shaping

| Body

Want to feel more confident and start losing inches ?

Ultrasonic Cavitation

Cavitation is a new, non- surgical and non invasive fat removal procedure. There is no surgery and anesthesia, there is no hospital stay no time off from work and no recovery time. Clients see immediate results in the reduction of fat up to 72 hours following treatment. The most common problem areas are the abdomen, love handles, male chest, upper arms, inner thighs, and the chin area. Cavitation is the perfect treatment for people who want to contour their body and regain their confidence and figure. Most clients see change within 4 to 8 sessions !

Frequently asked questions

Here are the most common questions asked by the clients? 

What are Lipo Laser Boards?

These are magic! My clients LOVE them ! These will STIMULATE muscles, TIGHTEN skin. REDUCE cellulite and Stretch Marks!. Lipo-Cavi normally consit of three step process. First step is the cavitation knob, this will destroy the fat deposits and drain them into a liquid. This will allow the body to naturally get rid of the fat cells. Second step is our sculpting vacume therapy, this will push all melted fat cells toward the lymphatic system. Third step is the skin tightening this will help with cellulite, stretch marks and toning up !

AHow do I prepare for the visit?What do I expect?

Do not drink any alcohol the day before, of, and after. Please eat a healthy breakfast / snack 45 minutes before your appointment. After the procedure don't eat anything for two hours. Please stay away from greasy foods. Only drink plenty of water or unsweet tea. I will have all the disposable clothing that you will need to wear for the procedure. The procedure will take one hour and 30 minutes. Make sure to drink plenty of water before your appointment. The more water you drink the better results you will get. If you have a waist trainer, please bring that with you, to wear it after the procedure.

What are some contraindicaions?

There are contraindications for treatments that include, but not limited to, pregnancy, nursing, infectious skin disease, open wound, skin infections, recent surgery, uncontrolled high blood pressure, heart problems, untreated thyroid disease and hormonal disorder, pacemaker, any type of metal implants, blood clots, people on blood thinners, varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis, allergies, epilepsy, asthma, liver or kidney malfunction, lupus, untreated diabetes, auto immune diseases, HIV or AIDS, 280 lbs. limit, and cancer of any type. If you have any medical condition, it imperative that you receive physician approval prior to treatment.

How many pounds can I lose?

Depends on the sessions. With good nutrition and exercise your weight loss goal can be achieved !

How many sessions are needed?

To lose 1 - 5 lbs you may need 6 sessions For 5 to 20 lbs about 10 sessions And for more than 20 lbs, 20 sessions